Clear part of the canopy was attached to the sprue, had to sand down the nub mark and polish using autosol(industrial polishing compound I think). Dipped in future and covered.
Seamlines at the cockpit area, the kit gives the option for a F-16C or F-16D version by changing the fuselage area near the cockpit for a 1 seater or 2 seater. Wings were molded separately, seamlines at area where wing meets the fuselage. Intakes were quite ok, seams weren't as bad as the other areas. Otherwise, the parts fit together quite nicely.
Finished assembling most of the parts, eliminated seams before pre-shading.
Painted the cockpit(kit lacking of details). Sprayed the intake and the wheels area white. Will have to mask the white area of the intake to paint the gray lip of the intake.

3/1/09 - Pre-shaded the whole jet with black (my lines are not that straight, but it doesn't matter), canopy temporary stuck on with blu-tack to mask cockpit. It had been 2 days since the canopy was dipped in future. After pre-shading, bottom of the jet/tail/fuel tanks/canopy 'strip'/front top fuselage was sprayed with H306. The pre-shaded lines are showing through!!!!

4/1/09 - Finished painting the remaining colors, H305 for the darker part, H307 for the radome. Intake masks removed, masking was a little uneven, re-applied masks and spray. Landing gears, tail fin and exhaust can attached and to my horror, a big seamline where the exhaust connects the fuselage, no choice but to leave it since kit painted... Brushed painted 2 coats of Future, 2nd coat applied about 3 hours after 1st coat. Will be leaving it to dry for at least 1 day before trying out enamel wash using lighter fluid.

5/1/09 - Did an enamel wash on the panel lines of the whole jet. First time doing a wash, hope it turns out fine. (fingers crossed!!) Enamel wash is a mixture of Tamiya Enamel Black and Zippo Lighter Fluid. Lighter Fluid does not affect the underlying Future, so I'm safe. Will be leaving it for a full day to dry. Tomorrow, will be doing decalling and a final future coat to seal the decals. Finishing line is in sight!

6/1/09 - removed enamel wash, I think panel line might not be deep enough, some wash in some panels removed with the surrounding wash. Anyway, I think the effect can still be seen although it might be quite light. Decals also applied, some were too big/too short/too long. Will brush on a coat of future to seal the decals and wash

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